Vacant Building Razed for New Downtown Park
March 4, 1902
The City of Huntington is on a roll when it comes to transforming the downtown central business district. The Community is razing a vacant, blighted downtown building in order to make way for a new downtown park at the intersection of Jefferson Street and West Park Drive.
No longer will southbound traffic entering Huntington's Central Business District be greeted by the site of a blighted building but will instead be welcomed by a beautiful new landscaped plaza or "pocket park." The Rotary Club of Huntington is leading the effort to finance the new Huntington Rotary Centennial Park. The project is among several recent transformative opportunities making downtown Huntington a more vibrant location.
In addition to the Rotary Centennial Park, other recent projects include the construction of the $11 million Park Lofts Apartment Complex which re-developed the former site of the YMCA and is preserving the historic Our Sunday Visitor Building. Previously, the $7 million Central Apartments Complex created an adaptive re-use of the former Central School Building.
The City has also worked diligently over the past four years to help building owners in the downtown Central Business District via a matching grant program for facade restoration and roof repairs. Matching grant awards combined for nearly $300,000 of improvements to more than a dozen downtown buildings.