Voluntary Annexation Request Considered by the Town of Markle

The Town Council for the Town of Markle, Indiana, in eastern Huntington County at I-69 Exit 286, has received a petition for the voluntary annexation of approximately 50 acres adjacent to the Markle Industrial Park.
"Forced annexation is essentially a thing of the past in Indiana," said Mark Wickersham, executive director of the Huntington County Economic Development Corporation.  "A Community should be honored to receive a request from a neighbor to voluntarily become part of the official corporation limits of a town,"  Wickersham added.  "Economic Development is best considered a 'team sport' and Communities which work together in a collaborative spirit win.  It is with that spirit the property owner is asking to be part of the team," Wickersham said.  "The property owner is proud of the accomplishments of the Town of Markle and absolutely believes his property will be more valuable if annexed.  The owner wants to help the Town grow and our Board of Directors proudly supports the annexation request," he concluded.